
Parker Computer can network your entire office or home computers, using as few as two computers!

Whether it's basic "file and print" sharing you're looking for, or setting up a Network Server and Client Workstations with Internet Access!

What about building to building?  Sure, we can do that too!

We’ve been working with local businesses as well as others just outside of the Boston area with wiring their offices or homes to get them up and running!

If you need someone just to come in and configure your already wired location, that’s OK too!  Or, if you need a laborer to come in and run the cables, just let us know!

What about setting up DSL (either from an ISP (as in Verizon DSL or ComCast Cable?  We can help with any of these configurations!

What about free Internet Access for you home or office computer? If you have a modem installed, we can install & configure free internet access software for you.

We can even set up DSL Modem sharing for the rest of your home or office!  Why not have everyone on the same internet line at no extra cost?  After-all, you're paying for it!

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